Trapcode Mir

Trapcode MIR is an interesting plug-in that comes as part of the Red Giant trapcode suite for After Effects. It allows you to rapidly create 3D OpenGL graphics based on manipulating a flat plane primarily by using masks and fractals. It supports some limited 3D lighting including specularity and ambient occlusion. You can distort the plane to form a landscape, or a liquid look, or you can bend and warp the plane to form cylindrical or spherical shapes. It’s a curious plug-in as in many ways it’s not trying to meet a particular need. It just lets you come with some creative shapes. What you do with those and how you incorporate them into your work is another matter. Most people playing with Trapcode MIR tend to come with the same sort of images. I’ve been playing around with it a bit and I’m as guilty of that as anyone.

Liquid Ribbons
Master (

Master (

Master (

Universe (

However, with a bit more imagination it is possible to incorporate MIR’s visuals in a powerful way. This short film was created when Peder Norrby (the creator of Trapcode Mir) commissioned POTEMKIN to make a short film heavily based on Trapcode MIR. It might be a little light on plot, but it’s a lovely piece.

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